Chapter 26 - General Rules 26.3 Heritage 26.3.1 Scheduled Heritage Resources in all Zones Class A Heritage Resources The demolition or removal of a Class A heritage feature as identified in Appendix A is a Non-Complying Activity. Any application for such a resource consent shall be accompanied by an application for a plan change to remove the feature from Appendix A. All costs associated with these applications shall be borne by the applicant. Any alteration or addition to a Class A heritage feature identified in Appendix A shall be a Discretionary Activity. Class B Heritage Resources - Other than Heritage Trees, Archaeological and Waahi Tapu Sites and Areas The demolition or removal of a Class B heritage feature (other than heritage trees, archaeological and waahi tapu sites) as identified in Appendix A is a Discretionary Activity. Any application for such a resource consent shall be accompanied by an application for a plan change to remove the feature from Appendix A. All costs associated with these applications shall be borne by the applicant. Any alteration or addition to a Class B heritage feature (other than heritage trees, archaeological and waahi tapu sites) and areas identified in Appendix A shall be a Controlled Activity. Class B Heritage Resources - Heritage Trees, Archaeological and Waahi Tapu Sites and Areas Any alteration to a Class B heritage resource (heritage trees, archaeological and waahi tapu sites and areas) listed in Appendix A shall be a Discretionary Activity. In relation to heritage trees, alteration means removal of any listed tree; significant trimming of any listed tree; the construction of any building or laying of overhead or underground services within 5 metres of the base of any listed tree whether on the site or not; or, any other work or activity which could adversely affect the condition of a scheduled tree. Alteration shall exclude any minor maintenance work including trimming and pruning. In relation to archaeological or waahi tapu sites and areas, alteration means excavation; physical investigation; damage; the removal of soil, structures or trees; the reconstruction of any feature; or, any other activity, use or work in the vicinity of the listed feature which endangers, damages or destroys the listed feature. Alteration does not include general maintenance and repair. Assessment Matters In addition to the matters contained within Part II and sections 104 and 105 of the Act, Council shall have regard to the matters set out in assessment criteria Rules 26.3.2, 26.3.3 and 26.3.4 as applicable. 26 - 33