Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan 20 January 2011 Structures in the Coastal Marine Area Oblique or Perpendicular to Mean High Water Springs Any activity involving the erection of a structure or structures: • which is solid (or presents a significant barrier to water or sediment movement); and • which is sited obliquely or perpendicular to the line of mean high water springs in the coastal marine area; and • which in horizontal projection is 100 metres or more in length; is a Discretionary Activity. Structures in the Coastal Marine Area Used in the Petroleum and Chemical Industry Any activity involving the erection of structures for the storage or containment of any petroleum, petroleum products, or contaminants is a Discretionary Activity. Assessment Criteria for all Structures a) Whether the structure is necessary; b) Whether the final appearance will harmonise with the character of the surrounding landscape; c) Whether the structure has made allowance for the effects of sea level rise, waves and currents and earthquakes; and d) Whether the structure has any significant adverse effect on ecological values and tangata whenua values. Disturbance of Foreshore and/or Seabed Including Any Removal of Sand, Shell or Shingle or Other Material Any activity involving, in any 12-month period, disturbance of foreshore and/ or seabed for specific purposes, including any removal of sand, shell or shingle or other material which is: • in volumes greater than 50,000 cubic metres; and • extracted from areas of greater than 4 hectares; and • extending greater than 1000 metres in length over foreshore and/ or seabed; is a Discretionary Activity. Assessment Criteria a) Whether the disturbance is necessary; b) Whether the final appearance will harmonise with the character of the surrounding landscape; c) Whether the disturbance has made allowance for the effects of sea level rise, waves and currents and earthquakes; and 33 - 24