Appendix B - Schedule of Areas of EcologicalValue Map Site Status Ecological Value Key 3/21 Sentinel Rock, 1 Nesting King Shags (endangered) Cooks scurvy Outer Marlborough Sounds grass (endangered) White faced storm petrel, Duvaucels g ecko. 3/22 Titi Island, Outer Marlborough Sounds 2 Cooks scurvy grass (endangered), fierce lancewood, large-leafed milk tree, and prostrate kowhai. Bamboo tussock, yellow crown ed parakeet, flesh-footed shearwater (rar e). Predator free. 3/24 Duffers Reef, Forsyth Island 1 Large breeding colony of King Shags (endangered). Fluttering shearwaters, variable oyster-catchers (breeding), terns and gulls (breeding). Cooks scurvy grass (vulnerable). 3/25 Bird Island, Forsyth Bay 2 Reef heron breeding and feeding (vulnerable), variable oyster catcher breeding (rare). Seabirds - fluttering shearwater, penguin nesting. 3/26 Maud Island, Pelorus Sound 1 Largest population of Hamilton’s frog (endangered ). Powelliphanta , scarab beetl e, flax wee vil, Cook Strait click beetle. Kakapo, Takahe (thre atened). Cook Str ait giant weta. Striped gecko (very rare spec ies). Spotted shag, black backed gull, var iable oyster-catchers. Fur seal haulout site. Coastal broadleaf with dense population of invert ebrates (not found elsewhere) . Predator free. 3/27 Tawhitinui, Tennyson Inlet 2 Large-leafed milk tree (regionally uncommo n). High scientific value. Large diversit y of browser free vgetaton. e i 3/28 Awaiti, Tennyson Inlet 2 Large-leafed milk tree (regionally uncommon). High scientific value. Large diversity of browser free vegetation. 3/29 Tarakaipa, Tennyson Inlet 2 Cooks scurvy grass (endangered), large- leafed milk tree (un common). High scientific value. Possum-free fore st. 3/30 White Rocks, Queen Charlotte Sound 1 High degree of natural character. King shag (endangered) non-breeding season and roosting site. Seabirds. Geology and flora of scientific interest. Very high density of seaweeds and fish. 3/31 Motuara Island, Queen Charlotte Sound 2 Large-leafed milk tree, Cook Strait kowhai and wharangi (regionally threatened). South Island robin (regionally threatened). Sooty and fluttering shearwater s, diving petrel , little blue penguin nesting . Predator free, South Island saddle back. Excellent Island restoration pot ential. 3/32 Kokomohua Island, 2 Fierce lancewood; Cooks scurvy grass Queen Charlotte Sound (endanger ed). La rge-leafed milk tre e. Sooty shearw Predator free. Landscape value. ater. Exam ple of ou ter Sounds small island ecosystem. 3/33 Long Island, Queen Charlotte Sound 1 Little spotted kiwi (endangered). Shags, gulls and shearwaters. South Island robin. Fierce lancewood. Kiore present. Shingle cuspate foreland (one of four in Sounds). Kirkianell a ‘Cook Strait’ (rare coastal endemic herb). Cooks scurvy grass (endangered). App B - 7