Chapter 26 - General Rules 26.2.8 On-Site Turning and Manoeuvring Space All parking and loading areas shall be designed to Building Act 1991 standards to ensure that vehicles are not required to reverse either on to or off the site except: a) Loading areas with access to secondary collector and local roads or services lanes where loading docks may be provided. b) Parking spaces for a single residential unit on a front site on roads other than State Highways, primary and secondary arterial roads and Waikawa Road. Refer to General Rule 26.2.2 Vehicle Loading and 26.2.3 Vehicle Parking for additional rules. 26.2.9 Specific Requirements for Service Stations The canopy shall be set back 2.0 metres from the legal road boundary. Accessways into service stations shall comply with the following minimum separation distances from intersections measured from the start of corner construction: a) If a State Highway is one of the intersections roads 15 metres b) Otherwise 10 metres 26 - 27