Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan Mobile Source The discharge of contaminant into air from abrasive blasting using a mobile source and wet abrasive blasting techniques is a Permitted Activity provided the following conditions are met: Conditions a) The surface to be blasted shall not contain any lead, zinc, arsenic, chromium, cadmium, copper, mercury, tributyl tin or thorium-based compounds; b) The Council and owners or occupiers of properties adjacent to the subject property shall be notified of the location, date and duration of the proposed abrasive blasting operation at least five working days before the commencement of the work; c) Sand or any other material used for abrasive blasting shall contain not more than 5% free silica on a dry weight basis; d) The operator shall so far as is practicable collect all debris and used blasting materials; e) All collected debris and used blasting materials shall be removed from the site daily and when operations are completed; f) There shall be no discharges of water spray beyond the boundary of the subject property, or beyond 50 metres of the discharge when sited on public land; and g) There shall be no visible discharge of dust beyond the boundary of the subject property, or beyond 50 metres of the discharge when sited on public land. Effluent Disposal General Provision must be made for the satisfactory disposal of all effluent and greywater generated from onshore activities in accordance with the requirements of the Plan. The requirements of the Plan are deemed to have been met where all effluent and greywater is connected to a public system expressly designed for this purpose. Trade Waste Disposal a) Collection of waste on-site shall be in suitable containers that are either covered or located in a roofed area; and b) Process waste shall not be discharged into stormwater systems, fresh water or coastal water. Discharges to Coastal Water Discharges Other than Effluent or Stormwater Discharges (other than the disposal of effluents or stormwater) associated with the operational needs of the Port shall be a Permitted Activity provided that after reasonable mixing and disregarding any natural variations: a) The natural temperature of the water shall not be changed by more than 3 degrees Celsius; b) The concentration of dissolved oxygen in the discharge shall exceed 80% of the saturation concentration; 33 - 12