Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan All applications for minor non-compliance shall be non-notified, however, the Council may require the written approval of every person who may in the Council’s judgement be adversely affected by the granting of the consent for non-compliance unless it is considered unreasonable in the circumstances to require such approval. 33.3.3 Matters for Consideration in the Exercise of Council’s Discretion In considering any application for minor non-compliance the Council will in the exercise of its discretion have regard to the following matters: The non-compliance should not: a) Diminish the natural character of the locality, having regard to the natural character areas identified in Appendix Two, Volume One; b) Detract from the openness of the site when viewed from the street; c) Detract from the functioning of the roading networks; d) Adversely affect privacy enjoyed on adjoining residential properties; e) Significantly diminish the daylight available to adjoining properties or cause shading of outdoor living areas, service courts, open space or habitable rooms on adjoining properties; f) Adversely affect on-site vehicle manoeuvring or car parking areas or affect the safe flow of traffic on adjoining roads; and g) Adversely affect public access to the coastal marine area. 33.3.4 Activities within Riparian Management Zones (specified in Appendix I and Ecology Maps in Volume Three) Matters to Which Council has Restricted the Exercise of its Discretion: a) The effects on the natural clarity of any river, lake, wetland or the sea; b) The effects of the entry of any woody material into any river, lake, wetland or the sea; c) The effects on natural hazard management, including stability of riparian management zones and river control matters; d) Protection of riparian habitat diversity; e) Protection of in-stream habitat; and f) Provision of physical public access where legal public access is provided for. 33.3.5 Other Limited Discretionary Activities Application must be made for a resource consent for a Limited Discretionary Activity for the following: • Any activity reclaiming foreshore and/or seabed which is: - less than 1 hectare; or - extends less than 100 metres in all directions, including incremental reclamations connected to or part of another reclamation which 33 - 18