10 March 2006 Chapter 37 - Rural Township Zone Stabilisation Batters and side castings are to be stabilised by appropriate measures such as seeding, compacting, drainage and/or other methods of revegetation. Run-off Run-off from water tables or surfaces of side cut excavations is to be directed to stable land areas. Crossings River crossings are to be stable and maintained as suitable for fish passage. Riparian Areas Except for direct approaches to bridges, crossings and fords; maintenance of rail and public roads; and trenching for cable laying, no excavation or filling must take place within riparian management zones as specified in the schedule of water bodies and Table 1 in Appendix I and as mapped in Ecology Maps in Volume Three, or in a manner or location where the General Conditions for Land Disturbance above can not be complied with. Slope Any excavation or filling on land greater than 20º and less than 35º slope, provided the activity complies with Rules to above and not more than 1,000m³ may be excavated/filled in any two year period. Backfilling All earth not required to be placed in a trench shall be removed from the land disturbance site, and placed in a stable location. Where a resource consent is required for placement of the fill, this shall be obtained prior to the start of work. 37.1.5 Discharges Domestic Wastewater Management Provision must be made for the satisfactory management of all domestic wastewater in accordance with the requirements of the Plan. The requirements of the Plan are deemed to have been met where all domestic wastewater is connected to a public system expressly designed for this purpose or the conditions for on-site domestic wastewater discharges (Rule are met. The Discharge of Domestic Wastewater into Land The discharge of domestic wastewater, through any on-site wastewater management system lawfully established without resource consent prior to 21 April 2005, into land is a Permitted Activity providing: A public sewer is not located within 30 metres of the lot boundary or 60 metres of the closest building on the lot to be serviced. Garbage grinders are not installed in any building that the on-site wastewater management system services. The rate of discharge does not exceed 2000 litres per day, averaged over any one week period. 37 - 5