Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan 20 March 2014 29.1.3 Conservation, Amenity and Heritage Protected Items Refer to rules relating to Heritage (refer to General Rules Section). Protection of Sites of Ecological, Archaeological and Cultural Significance No activity shall modify the botanical, ecological or wildlife values identified in Appendix B and shown on the relevant Planning Maps. No land disturbance may damage or adversely affect any identified site of iwi significance unless expressly agreed to in writing by the iwi who have jurisdiction or manawhenua over it. Any person unearthing or otherwise disturbing any historical, cultural, archaeological artefact or waahi tapu of significance to iwi during the course of a land disturbance operation shall cease work immediately and report the discovery to the Council. Work may not recommence unless expressly agreed to it in writing by the iwi who have jurisdiction or manawhenua over it, the New Zealand Historic Places Trust or a resource consent to a Discretionary Activity has been obtained. No land disturbance may damage or adversely affect any historical, cultural or registered archaeological artefact or site unless an authority to do so has been granted by the New Zealand Historic Places Trust. 29.1.4 Hazards/Riparian Management Except for internal alterations within an existing structure, building activity is not a Permitted Activity within the coverage of the Natural Hazards overlay identified on the Planning Maps. All proposed buildings and structures shall be set back a minimum of at least 8.0 metres from the margin of any river, lake or wetland or where there is a stopbank at least 8.0 metres from the landward toe of that stopbank. Exceptions All buildings and structures in the designated Waikawa flood hazard area are discretionary activities. 29.1.5 Land Disturbance Land Disturbance - General Any land disturbance activity which meets the following conditions is a Permitted Activity. 29 - 4