Chapter 26 - General Rules d) Where the use or occupation of a site or premises changes, the number of required carparking spaces shall be calculated for each new or changed activity; e) The calculation of required car parking spaces shall be in terms of the gross floor area of the site, building, or premises of the activity but excluding the gross floor area of any vehicle access, loading, turning, or parking area provided therein; f) When the calculation of required car parking spaces results in a fraction of a number, the fraction shall be rounded to the nearest whole number and in the case of 0.5 shall be rounded upwards to the nearest whole number; and g) All required vehicle parking spaces shall be kept clear and available for use by occupants and visitors to the site during the hours that the site’s activity is in operation. Design and Formation Standards for Vehicle Parking a) All required car parking spaces shall be formed to an all-weather standard and shall be clearly identified by marking on the ground or other signal to avoid inefficient parking of vehicles within the allocated space; b) All required car parking spaces shall be of useable shape and gradient and, together with their entrance and manoeuvring aisles, shall be designed and formed to comply with the dimensions shown in Figure 26.12; c) On any site fronting a national route or arterial route where car parking spaces are required to be provided they shall be configured such that vehicles are able to enter and leave the site in a forward direction and without reversing onto the road; d) Where required car parking spaces are to be provided at a distance of greater than 30 metres from the road boundary, the spaces shall be located such that vehicles are able to enter and leave the site in a forward direction without reversing onto the road; e) Where vehicle parking areas are expected to be used at night they shall be provided with overhead lighting sufficient to illuminate the parking area without causing nuisance light spill to adjoining properties; and f) Where multiple parking spaces are provided, there shall be provided sufficient queuing space to prevent conflict between vehicles entering and leaving the site. Alternative Provision for Carparking Where it is not practicable to provide the required number of car parking spaces on the site of the activity, the Council may accept payment of a sum of money in lieu of parking spaces which shall contribute towards the cost of providing or maintaining public car parking in the vicinity. The sum payable shall not exceed the value of land equivalent to 24 square metres per required car parking space provided for. 26 - 19