Chapter 36 - Rural Zones One and Two c) The discharge shall not have any adverse effect on any fisheries, wildlife habitats or recreational values of any waterbody; and d) The discharge does not contain stormwater from an area where hazardous substances are stored unless: • Hazardous substances cannot enter the stormwater; or • There is an interceptor system in place to collect hazardous contaminants or diverted contaminated stormwater to a trade waste system; e) The above provisions do not apply to the drainage of naturally occurring wetlands or lakes; Note: The discharge of stormwater into the Coastal Marine Area is dealt with in the rules for the Coastal Marine Zone. Clean Fill The discharge into and onto land of any contaminant other than: • Hazardous substances; • Combustible or organic materials; • Any other contaminant subject to chemical or biological breakdown; and • Liquids or sludges; is a Permitted Activity provided that the following conditions are met. Conditions a) That the clean fill material is not to be deposited within the riparian management zones as specified in Appendix I and Ecology Maps in Volume Three; and b) That the filled area is covered with at least 200mm of topsoil, when infilling has been completed, to allow the site to return to a natural vegetated state. Offal Pits The discharge of any contaminant into or onto land in association with the disposal of offal is a Permitted Activity provided that the following conditions are met. Conditions a) Only animal and offal wastes, clean fill and organic matter generated on the site or property may be deposited in the disposal pit; b) The disposal pit shall be located no less than 50 metres from any waterbody or bore; c) The location and depth of the disposal area shall be situated so as to not have an adverse effect on groundwater quality; d) The discharge shall contain no hazardous substances; e) All offal pits shall be kept covered at all times when not being added to; and f) No objectionable odours shall be discernible beyond the boundary of the property. 36 - 13