11 September 2014 Chapter 35 - Coastal Marine Zones One, Two and Three Assessment Criteria a) The effect on marine ecology; b) The effect on the foreshore dynamics; c) The effect on recreational values; d) The effect on landscape values; e) The effect on utilities including subaqueous cable; f) An assessment of the stability and structural integrity of the proposal in the event of earthquake and with respect to the effects of waves and currents; and g) An assessment of any actual or potential effects the activity may have on people and communities including navigational safety and public access to the coastal marine area. Structures in the Coastal Marine Area Oblique or Perpendicular to Mean High Water Springs Any activity involving the erection of a structure or structures which is: • Solid (or presents a significant barrier to water or sediment movement), and is sited obliquely or perpendicular in horizontal projection to the line of mean high water springs in the coastal marine area, and is in horizontal projection less than 1000 metres in length; or • Is a submarine or sub-aqueous cable; is a Discretionary Activity. Assessment Criteria a) The effect on marine ecology; b) The effect on the foreshore dynamics; c) The effect on recreational values; d) The effect on landscape values; e) The effect on cultural values; f) The effect on utilities including subaqueous cable; g) An assessment of the stability and structural integrity of the proposal in the event of earthquake and with respect to the effects of waves and currents; and h) An assessment of any actual or potential effects the activity may have on people and communities including navigational safety and public access to the coastal marine area. Disturbance of Foreshore and Seabed Including any Removal of Sand, Shell or Shingle Any activity involving, in any 12 month period, disturbance of foreshore and seabed for specific purposes, including any removal of sand, shell or shingle or other material is a Discretionary Activity. Assessment Criteria a) The effect on any flora and fauna as well as the marine ecology; 35 - 21