Chapter 36 - Rural Zones One and Two 36.2.1 The Sale of Farm Produce from a Rural Selling Place Matters Over Which Control is Reserved The Council shall give consideration to the following criteria in assessing an application to erect a rural selling place from which farm produce is sold: a) The farm produce offered or displayed for sale is that which is grown on a farming unit owned or leased by the grower of such produce; b) That the sale takes place from a rural selling place that is roofed and enclosed on at least three sides and is of such an appearance that it does not detract from the natural qualities of the locality in which it is situated; c) The rural selling place should provide parking for vehicles at the rate of one space per 5m of rural 2 selling place and provide manoeuvring space such that vehicles do not need to reverse off the property; d) The rural selling place shall be so located such that it does not create a traffic hazard, and where deemed necessary acceleration and deceleration lanes with tapers of 1 in 10 shall be provided at the expense of the developer so that the road width at the entry/ exit shall be up to a minimum of 7 metres from the road centreline; e) Any earthworks necessary for the creation of a building platform, or access shall be such that they create a minimum disturbance to the landform character of the site; and f) Development proposals shall ensure that any run-off or stormwater resulting from the establishment of the activity does not lead to siltation or sedimentation or a reduction in water quality in watercourses. Conditions In granting consent to erect a rural selling place from which farm produce is sold, the Council may impose conditions relating to any or all of the following matters: a) Drainage and effluent disposal; b) Water supply, water storage and treatment; c) The design and appearance of the building; d) The location of the building; e) The need for and design of acceleration and deceleration lanes; and f) Any other matters to avoid the creation of a traffic hazard. 36.2.2 Intensive Farming Matters Over Which Control is Reserved The Council shall give consideration to the following criteria in assessing an application to establish intensive farming: a) Any earthworks necessary for the creation of building platforms or access shall be such that they create minimum disturbance to the landform and character of the site; 36 - 21