Chapter 30 - Sounds Residential Zone The amenities of the area and in particular that any proposal does not have any significant effects on: a) Views of surrounding hills and of the sea enjoyed from nearby residential properties; b) The privacy and residential amenities enjoyed on nearby residential properties and on the applicant’s own site; c) Daylight and shading of adjoining properties; d) The usual background noise characteristics of the locality and the likely extent and significance of any increase in noise; e) Adversely impact on the natural amenity of any tree, bush, or stand of trees which makes a significant contribution to the visual qualities of the surrounding area; or f) Detract from any view or vista which contribute to the aesthetic coherence of a locality. Any significant environmental features and in particular that the proposal does not : a) Adversely affect any habitat of any indigenous species; or b) Compromise the integrity of any terrestrial or maritime ecosystem; c) Diminish the natural character of the locality, having regard to the natural character areas identified in Appendix Two, Volume One. Natural and physical resources so that any proposal: a) Complements any building or other feature constructed by people in the locality which contributes to the character of the locality; b) Does not have an adverse effect on the relationship of Maori and their culture and traditions with their ancestral lands, water, sites, waahi tapu and other taonga; c) Does not have an adverse effect on any historic place or archaeological site; d) Does not reduce water quality; or e) Does not increase any risk from natural hazards. The physical and natural environment or community such that some form of financial contribution is necessary and should be imposed as a condition of consent. A financial contribution may be required in the following circumstances (except for a single dwellinghouse on one lot) or as otherwise required in the Plan where: a) Any activity will lead to increased pressure on or demand for the use of any public reserve, facilities or infrastructure including roads, walkways, refuse disposal systems; b) Any activity is likely to impact negatively upon the development capability of any adjoining land in terms of sewage servicing capacity; c) Any activity lends or will lend to a situation where off-site effects can be mitigated, but unless required by condition of consent be at the cost of the Council; and d) Where the proposal will create a need for public works, services, reserves, or capital expenditure. 30 - 15