Chapter 30 - Sounds Residential Zone Activity Parking Spaces Required Premises for cultural activity or One space for every five people the facility natural display is designed to accommodate. Professional Offices One for every 35 m² of gross floor area. Buildings used for Recreation and One for every four people the facility recreational facilities (including Grandstands) is designed to accommodate. Retail Premises One for every 17 m² of ground floor area, plus one for every 17 m² of outdoor retail. Matters Applicable to Specific Activities Site Density for Residential Activities a) The minimum net site area for each individual residential unit shall not be less than 300m²; and b) shall be such that an area of at least 150m, north facing, with a minimum 2 dimension of 3 metres is available as outdoor living space for the exclusive use of the unit. Relocated Structures Permission to erect or re-erect, in whole or in part, an existing structure moved to a site within the Sounds Residential Zone may be given, but subject to the approval of a non-notified application for a Discretionary Activity. Resource consent must be obtained before the building’s re-erection. The application is to be accompanied by an assessment of effects that address the Fourth Schedule of the Act and the following additional matters: Assessment Criteria a) The age and architectural design of the building to be relocated and those other buildings in the vicinity of the proposed site; b) The external appearance of the building and its compatibility with the standard of other buildings in the vicinity of the proposed site; and c) The effect on the visual amenities of the area in the vicinity of the proposed site. Matters Over Which Council Will Retain Control a) The building shall be reinstated to a standard of external appearance consistent with structures on properties in the immediate vicinity of the new site; b) Landscaping of the new site shall be carried out in accordance with a landscape plan prepared by a landscape professional; c) The applicant shall arrange a bond with the Council to cover the cost of the reinstatement work; d) All reinstatement work shall be completed within six months of the building being moved to the proposed site; and e) The developer shall notify the Council prior to moving the structure to the proposed site. Note: All relocated buildings must fully comply with the rules for permitted activities for the zone and all other relevant rules. 30 - 17