Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan 10 March 2006 INTENSIVE FARMING means any primary productive activity exhibiting two or more of the following characteristics : a) Little dependence on the quality of the soils of the site, such as greenhouses, mushrooms, plant nursery; b) In excess of 50% coverage in permanent buildings having concrete or otherwise impervious floors for the housing and growing of livestock and/ or vegetative matter; c) Substantial environmental control and/ or modification to facilitate growth of livestock and/ or vegetative matter; d) High output of collected waste material per hectare and includes all pig farming, poultry farming, rabbit farming; and e) Land based aquaculture INTRINSIC VALUES has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Act. IWI means tribe or people. IWI AUTHORITY means the authority which represents an iwi and which is recognised by that iwi as having authority to do so. KAIMOANA means food from the sea. KAITIAKI means a person or agent whose role is to care for and have responsibility for taonga; may be spiritual or physical, Guardian, steward, but the meaning of kaitiaki in practical application relates to the future and may vary between different hapu and iwi. KAITIAKITANGA has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Act. L10 means the L1 0excedence level, in A frequency-weighted decibels, which is equalled or exceeded 10% of the total measurement time. (See NZS 6801:1991 Clause 2.2 definition of excedence level). LAND* includes land covered by water, and the air space above land. LAND APPLICATION means an area of land which is set aside to allow domestic AREA wastewater from the treatment unit to be applied into or onto the soil for further in-soil treatment and absorption. The method of distribution and nature of the land application area can vary, and includes trenches, beds, mounds and dripper lines, but does not include soak pits. LAND DISTURBANCE ACTIVITY means any activity which includes excavation, filling, cultivation or vegetation clearance. LAND TRANSPORT means all forms of land based transport, including road and rail. LANDFILL means a waste disposal site used for the controlled deposit of solid wastes onto or into the land. LANDSCAPE STRIP means an area in permanent planting which may comprise grasses, shrubs and trees or any combination thereof. LEACHATE means liquid effluent from landfills, composting operations, storage facilities and other similar areas. Leachate may contain environmentally harmful substances derived from material deposited in the landfill or other facility. LICENSED PREMISES means any place or building authorised to sell liquor under the Sale of Liquor Act 1989. LINE means a wire or wires or a conductor of any kind (including a fibre optic cable) used or intended to be used for the transmission or reception of signs, signals, impulses, writing, images, sounds, or intelligence of any nature by means of any electromagnetic system; and includes any pole, insulator, casing, fixture, tunnel, or other equipment used or intended to be used for supporting, enclosing, surrounding, or protecting and, such wire or conductor, and also includes any part of a line. 25 - 8