Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan 11 September 2014 d) Excavated material shall be placed on the immediately adjacent foreshore area, and no material shall be removed from the site; e) All equipment and materials shall be removed from the site on completion of the cutting operation; and f) There is no significant disturbance of significant flora or fauna. Stormwater Discharges (Point Source and Non Point Source) Point Source Stormwater For a period extending five years from the date the Plan becomes operative, any existing point source stormwater discharge into water in the coastal marine area is a Permitted Activity provided that the discharge was lawfully occurring at the date the Plan become operative. After this time the discharge of point source stormwater into the coastal marine area shall be a Controlled Activity. Non Point Source Stormwater The discharge of non point source stormwater to land or any natural water shall be a Permitted Activity provided that: a) The discharge shall not cause any significant erosion of land; b) The discharge shall not have any significant effect on water quality; c) The discharge shall not have any adverse effect on any fisheries, wildlife habitats or recreational values of any waterbody; d) The discharge does not contain stormwater from an area where hazardous substances are stored unless: - Hazardous substances cannot enter the stormwater; or - There is an interceptor system in place to collect hazardous contaminants or diverted contaminated stormwater to a trade waste system; e) The above provisions do not apply to the drainage of naturally occurring wetlands or lakes. Taking and Discharge of Coastal Water General The taking of and discharge into coastal water for any purpose not provided for elsewhere in the Plan is a Permitted Activity, subject to the following conditions: a) There is no adverse effect to coastal water as a result of either the take or discharge; b) The quantity of water either taken or discharge shall not exceed 500 cubic metres per day. c) This Rule only applies to discharges not dealt with under the Resource Management (Marine Pollution) Regulations 1998. (RMA 207/98) Vegetation Clearance The removal of vegetation, including indigenous vegetation, for the purpose of maintaining access to an existing authorised structure is a Permitted Activity, subject to the following conditions: 35 -6