Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan 10 March 200 6 Matters for Consideration in the Exercise of Council’s Discretion a) Impacts on tangata whenua and their relationship with ancestral lands, and in particular on waahi tapu and other taonga; b) The effects of land use change on legal water supplies; c) The effects of exotic wilding tree spread onto reverting shrublands that are susceptible to wildling establishment; d) The effects on transport infrastructure; e) The conditions listed for commercial forestry as a Permitted Activity in the Rural Two zone; f) Methods employed to avoid or mitigate damage to riparian areas during any clearance, planting or harvest work. Limits to Council’s Discretion Council’s discretion shall be limited to consideration of the potentially adverse effects that directly result from commercial forestry and that are specified above. Applications for commercial forestry as a Limited Discretionary Activity may be considered on a notified or non-notified basis, depending on circumstances of each individual application. Note: Any aspect of forestry establishment operations that: • Involve the removal of indigenous forest; • Involve land disturbance operations to establish the forest; • Affect areas identified in the Plan as a natural hazard; • Affect areas identified in the Plan as having significant landscape values; • Affect areas identified in the Plan as having significant ecological values; • Affect riparian management zones as identified in Appendix I of the Plan; may require further consents pursuant to the provisions of the Plan relevant to those matters. 36.3.4 The Discharge of Domestic Wastewater Authorised by Resource Consent Prior to 21 April 2005, or the Discharge of Domestic Wastewater, Through any On-site Wastewater Management System Installed after 21 April 2005, into or onto Land. Standards and Terms (a) The domestic wastewater shall not be discharged into soil determined to be Category 1, 4, 5 or 6 soil (in accordance with the Council’s guidelines for the investigation, design, installation and maintenance of on-site wastewater management systems) if it is proposed to use a conventional on-site wastewater management system; and 36 - 28