Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan Effect on the Environment Activities may be subject to conditions relating to water discharges, air pollution and emissions and soil quality to prevent or reduce to an acceptable level any adverse effect the development may have on the environment. Effect on Wider Community The applicant will need to indicate any effect the proposal may have or is likely to have on the neighbourhood, and on the wider community including socio- economic and cultural effects. In particular the applicant must demonstrate that no significant adverse effect will occur on the physical resources of existing viable commercial centres within the wider community. 32.4.2 Particular Criteria and Standards Applicable to Listed Discretionary Activities Hazardous Facilities (District Function) Criteria for Assessment a) The location of any special natural features, or other environmentally sensitive areas to be protected; b) The possibility of exposure to natural hazards; c) The density of surrounding development; d) The availability of and access to suitable transport routes; e) The risks associated with transportation to or from the site; f) Compliance with any relevant codes of practice or guidelines; g) Specific requirements may be imposed to ensure that any undue risk posed by the facility is avoided or mitigated. Particular regard will be given to site layout, site management and emergency procedures and monitoring systems; h) Provision for the site management (operational plans and emergency plans); i) Proposals for monitoring storage, use and transportation of hazardous substances; and j) Consideration of practicable alternative operating methods or sites. 32.4.3 Resource Consent Conditions Any resource consent may include conditions relating to any one or more of the following: a) All those matters contained in section 108 of the Act; b) The bulk, design, appearance and location of buildings; c) The landscape treatment and maintenance thereof; d) Access, traffic and parking; e) Control of wastes, discharges and hazardous substances; 32 - 18