14 September 2006 Chapter 28 - Standard Requirements The Council and the owner may agree to a combination of Rules and the value of the total contribution, in land or money or both, cannot exceed the amount specified in above. Where the developer carries out work on the land to be set aside as reserves, as a requirement of Council, the value of that work will be offset against the area to be set aside as reserves. In the case of development for residential purposes ‘credits’ will be allowed for the number of units, that each underlying parcel could contain in terms of the Plan and for which there would be no contribution payable. 28.1.25 Reserve Fund Contributions Contribution Required Cash up to the maximum percentage specified below of the value of additional lots created with credit to each existing title. The amount required shall be determined in accordance with criteria set out below. Rural zone where residential lots of 1ha or less are created. Where subdivision occurs under the Special Provision 4% to protect large lots (Rule, Subdivision Section) Sounds Residential Zone 7.5% Urban Residential Zone Town Commercial Zone Rural Township Zone Urban Industrial Zone 10% Port Zone Marina Zone Other Zones 0% and/or, if land proposed to vest is in accordance with the Council’s policies for reserve land acquisition; Land (maximum amounts and excluding any esplanade reserves required by the Act and the Plan). For lots up to 1ha in size - An area of 5% of the lot(s) created or 150m whichever 2 is the greater. Where the developer carries out work on the land to be set aside as reserves, as a requirement of Council, then the value of that work will be offset against the area to be set aside as reserves. Where the development provides the equivalent of private open space or community facilities (eg; golf driving range or private stadium), then the Council may require a contribution less than that specified. 28 - 19