Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan Assessment Criteria Whether the application adequately avoids, remedies or mitigates adverse effects on indigenous vegetation and habitats of indigenous fauna. In assessing consent applications for the drainage of any wetland, Council will consider the significance of the vegetation affected (including the presence of rare or endangered plant or animal species) and the impact of the proposal on ecological values of the area. Council will also take into account the extent of the eduction of the indigenous vegetation type in the District, should the application proceed, and the impact on the sustainability of that indigenous vegetation type. Drainage of a wetland identified in Appendix B The drainage of any wetland identified in part 2 of Appendix B is a Non-Complying Activity. Assessment Criteria Whether the application adequately avoids, remedies or mitigates adverse effects on indigenous vegetation and habitats of indigenous fauna. In assessing consent applications for the drainage of any wetland, Council will consider the significance of the vegetation affected (including the presence of rare or endangered plant or animal species) and the impact of the proposal on ecological values of the area. Council will also take into account the extent of the reduction of the indigenous vegetation type in the District, should the application proceed, and the impact on the sustainability of that indigenous vegetation type. 26.1.8 Use of Fresh Surfacewaters Permitted Activity The use of fresh waters for non exclusive recreational purposes shall be a Permitted Activity. Discretionary Activity Any activity that involves any structure or mooring which passes across or through the surface of any waterway or is attached to the bank of any waterway is a Discretionary Activity. Commercial shipping activity is a Discretionary Activity when it: a) exceeds, during the peak season, five events, trips or outings per week on the same lake or section of river: and b) involves at any one time more than 10 people. 26.1.9 Use of Agrichemicals on or over Crown or Council Owned Wetland, Lake or River Unless specified to the contrary in any specific zone the use of agrichemicals shall be a Discretionary Activity without limits as to the exercise of the Council’s discretion. 26 - 12