Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan a) Existing featur es - a plan and photographs shall be supplied showing the location of any significant features, eg; trees, vistas, waterbodies etc. that exist. Prior to any work being undertaken an on-site inspection will be made; b) Functional val ue - screening of undesirable views, wind protection or to assist with soil conservation; c) Recreational value - existing or potential public spaces, picnic areas; d) Historical significan ce - commemorative, earliest known plantings, plantings associated with notable people; e) Scenic attribut es - contribute to the visual amenity of a street/ neighbourhood, beautify the landscape; f) Scientific val ue - rare or unusual, of which form, interesting or unique associations in conjunction with other plant or animal life or which represent prime specimens; and g) Plant speci es - a list of plants to be used shall be submitted for the Council’s approval. Plant numbers and size at planting shall be included. (Refer Code of Practice for Subdivision and Land Development). (Where trees or planted areas are proposed, provision should be made for the ongoing maintenance and irrigation of planted trees, until the works are formally taken over by the Council). Advisory Note: Methods of implementation to enable compliance are detailed in the Council’s Code of Practice for Subdivision and Land Development. Road Name Signs The developer will be required to provide and erect road signs to the established standard identifying the approved names of new roads within the subdivision or development. Access to Other Land In designing any subdivision consideration shall be given to the future development of adjoining land. The Council may, in considering sustainable use of land resources, as a condition of consent, require the creation of road reserve and/ or the formation of roads to or near the boundary of adjoining land. 28.1.17 Easements for Access In any case where the development of land gives rise to the necessity to obtain easements for access over adjoining land not covered by the subdivision, the developer will be required to obtain all the necessary documents and to have these consents registered on the respective titles subject to requirements of the District Land Registrar. 28.1.18 Stormwater Drainage The developer shall provide a satisfactory system for the collection and disposal of stormwater, from all allotments, roads, accessways, private ways, and private roads, connecting to a stormwater drainage system. 28 - 14