Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan 11 September 2014 • Which are solid (or present a significant barrier to water or sediment movement); and • When established on the foreshore or seabed would extend 1000 metres or more in length more or less parallel to the line of mean high water springs (including separate structures which incrementally total 1000 metres or more continuous). is a Non Complying Activity. Structures Oblique or Perpendicular to Mean High Water Springs Any activity involving the erection of a structure or structures: • which are solid (or present a significant barrier to water or sediment movement). • which are sited obliquely or perpendicular to the line of mean high water springs in the coastal marine area, and • which in horizontal projection are 1000 metres or more in length. is a Non-Complying Activity. Structures Used in the Petroleum and Chemical Industry Any activity in the coastal marine area involving the erection of structures for the storage or containment of any petroleum products, or chemicals in quantities greater than 100,000 litres (including any pipeline that contains this quantity between automatic shut-off valves) is a Non-Complying Activity if located below MHWS. 35.5.2 Deliberate Introduction of Exotic or Introduced Plants into the Coastal Marine Area Any activity involving the deliberate introduction or planting of any exotic or introduced plant in, on, or under any foreshore or seabed in an area where that plant is not already present is a Non-Complying Activity. 35.5.3 Discharges of Human Sewage to the Coastal Marine Area Any discharge of untreated human sewage to the coastal marine area, is a Non- Complying Activity. Any discharge to the coastal marine area in respect of which the applicant may desire to rely on section 107(2)(a) is Non-Complying Activity. 35.5.4 Depositing Material on the Foreshore and/or Seabed Any activity involving the depositing of any material on the foreshore and/or seabed at a site in the coastal marine area in any 12 month period, that is not otherwise regulated by any other rule within this Zone, is a Non-Complying Activity. 35.6 Prohibited Activities - being activities for which no resource consent shall be granted • Dumping of hazardous waste substances onto land and from onshore into the coastal marine area; 35 - 32