Chapter 32 - Urban Industrial Zone • Landscaping requirements; and • Parking requirements. 32.3.2 Limits to the Council’s Discretion In each of the above cases the Council’s discretion shall be limited to a consideration of the adverse effects expected to directly result from the proposed non-compliance; together with such matters listed in 32.3.3 below as are relevant to the non-compliance. All applications for minor non-compliance shall be non-notified, however, the Council may require the written approval of every person who may in the Council’s judgement be adversely affected by the granting of the consent for non-compliance unless it is considered unreasonable in the circumstances to require such approval. 32.3.3 Matters for Consideration in the Exercise of Council’s Discretion In considering any application for minor non-compliance the Council will in the exercise of its discretion have regard to the following matters: The non-compliance should not: a) Diminish the overall character of the locality; b) Detract from the openness of the site when viewed from the street; c) Detract from the functioning of the roading networks; d) Adversely affect privacy enjoyed on adjoining residential properties; e) Significantly diminish the daylight available to adjoining properties or cause shading of outdoor living areas, service courts, open space or habitable rooms on adjoining properties; f) Significantly reduce the usability or amenity of open space, living courts, or service courts on the applicant’s site; g) Adversely affect on-site vehicle manoeuvring or car parking areas or affect the safe flow of traffic on adjoining roads; h) Adversely affect the hydraulic efficiency of any river; i) Adversely affect access to the margins of rivers, lakes, wetlands or the coastal marine area; and j) Adversely affect the stability of land or bank of any river. 32.3.4 Conditions With respect to a waiver of parking requirements, either wholly or in part any application may be subject to conditions on the following matters: a) Res trictions on intensity and scale of activity so as to keep traffic generation in the vicinity within the capacity and safety limits of the adjoining roading system; 32 - 15