7 April 2006 Chapter 36 - Rural Zones One and Two d) All associated vehicle parking shall either be contained on the site or permitted on the street only when it does not conflict with other parking needs of the activities in the area; e) The activity shall be located so that there is no adverse impact on traffic safety including access to the facility; and f) The scale, form and exterior finish of buildings shall be such that they are integrated and complementary to forms in the surrounding natural and physical landscape. For all other activities apart from Rule above, the following standards shall be met: a) The hours of operation shall be appropriate to maintaining the amenity and cultural character of the immediate area; b) Vehicle parking shall be provided for at the rate of one space for every four persons the facility is designed to accommodate; c) All associated vehicle parking shall either be contained on the site or permitted on the street only when it does not conflict with other parking needs of the activities in the area. The requirements for parking may be waived in circumstances where the site is serviced solely by water and/ or air access; d) The activity shall be located so that there is no adverse impact on traffic safety including access to the facility; e) The development shall be appropriately landscaped in accordance with a landscape plan approved by the Council; f) The scale, form and exterior finish of buildings are such that they are integrated with and complementary to forms in the surrounding natural and physical landscape; and g) The activity shall not have an adverse effect on road safety or road traffic movements. Camping Grounds Standards • Access to the camping facility for motor vehicles shall be formed before the use commences. Such access shall be provided in such a manner as to avoid the creation of a traffic hazard; • Vehicle parking shall be provided for at the rate of one space per camp site and cabin. The requirements for parking may be waived in circum- stances where the site is serviced solely by water and/ or air access; • There must be the ability to provide sufficient additional car parking so that no detrimental impact on use of adjoining roads occurs and so that visual amenity is maintained; • All camp sites and buildings shall be landscaped to the satisfaction of Council so that the visual character of the locality is not compromised by the activity; and • All boundaries of the camping facility shall be landscaped in accordance with a landscape plan approved by the Council. • The activity shall not have an adverse effect on road safety or road traffic. 36 - 35