11 September 2014 Chapter 35 - Coastal Marine Zones One, Two and Three Consideration of aesthetic and cultural matters including: a) Proximity to residences, land zoned for residential use, and land subdivided for residential use. Proximity to, and likely effect on areas of: b) Scenic value; c) Ecological value; d) Recreational value; and e) Historic or traditional importance. Particular site requirements of different forms of marine farming. Other matters including: a) Likely effect on areas used for commercial and recreational fishing; b) The visual effect of the farm and its operation; c) Likely effects on water quality and ecology; d) The alienation of public space; and e) The extent to which the marine farm requires ancillary on-shore facilities, and the extent to which these are included in a concurrent consent process. Terms A coastal permit in respect of the activity may be granted for a period up to but not exceeding 20 years. Marine Farms and Marine Farming in Coastal Marine Zone Three Marine farms and marine farming in Coastal Marine Zone Three are Discretionary Activities provided they conform to the following standards and terms (notwithstanding other provisions of this Plan relating to Limited Discretionary, Discretionary or Non-Complying Activities). In terms of this Rule, marine farms and marine farming shall include: a) All structures, activities in the coastal marine area, occupation of the common marine and coastal area, disturbance of or damage to the foreshore or seabed, and other ancillary activities and structures, associated with marine farms and marine farming; b) All discharges to water or air associated with marine farms and marine farming, but excluding the discharge of human sewage; c) The taking and use of coastal water associated with marine farms and marine farming. Standards a) Marine farming shall be limited to the farming of King Salmon (Onchorynchus tshawystcha). b) All salmon shall be from roe sourced in New Zealand. c) All salmon farm cages (other than temporary cages for transferring salmon to or from the Site) shall be located within the Cage Area Boundary for the Site shown on the plans in Appendix D3. 35 - 25