Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan 10 March 2006 The likely effects of the proposed activity on the amenities enjoyed by any adjoining property and whether in the case of a community facility whether there is land other than the reserve on which the proposal would be better located. Whether the proposal will diminish the natural character of the locality, having regard to the natural character areas identified in Appendix Two, Volume One. 40.4 Non-Complying Activities • Any activity other than a Prohibited Activity which is neither a Permitted Activity, Limited Discretionary Activity nor a Discretionary Activity shall be deemed to be a Non-Complying Activity; and • Subdivision. 40.5 Prohibited Activities - being activities for which no resource consent shall be granted • The disposal of hazardous waste substances to land or water. • The combustion of: - materials associated with the recovery of metals from insulated electrical cables; or - materials and metals used in motor vehicles; or - any other PVC plastic, or rubber tyres, treated timber, or agricultural chemical wastes. • The discharge of domestic wastewater, through any soak pit established after 21 April 2005, into land. 40 - 4