Chapter 26 - General Rules Table 26.7 Lettering Height (mm) Regulatory Speed Main Message Property Secondary Limit (km/hr) Name Me ssage 50 100 100 75 70 200 150 100 80 250 175 125 100 300 200 150 Signs shall not conflict with the colour combinations or shape of traffic signs. The total area of the sign shall be the minimum required to accommodate the message and/ or symbols and in no instance shall the area of the symbol exceed 20 percent of the area occupied by the words or letters. Where the sign comprises a symbol or combination of symbols only, the total area of the sign shall not exceed 3.0 square metres. Where the shape of the sign depicts the nature of the product or service or logo then the total area shall not exceed 3.0 square metres and the words shall be contained with this area. A removable panel may be provided indicating whether a business is open or closed. The letter height for the message shall be as for the property name. Signs visible from a state highway in a 100km/ hr area shall be not illuminated unless the premises are open for business. Signs and support structures shall be unobtrusive and well-maintained. Signs constructed using retro-reflective material are prohibited. Flashing or animated signs, including those employing revolving lights, are prohibited. 26.4.5 Advertising Signs and Devices on State Highways All free-standing signs which are situated within the state highway legal road reserve are subject to the controls specified in Transit New Zealand Bylaw 1987/3. All signs approved for erection by the road controlling authority are deemed to be Permitted Activities throughout the district. All other signs which are situated within the state highway legal road reserve, or the air space above that legal road, are subject to Transit New Zealand’s controls relating to location and design, as applicable. Any proposal shall be considered as an application for a Discretionary Land Use Activity. 26.4.6 Lettering Sizes Unless specified elsewhere the following suggested lettering sizes are intended to be used in areas of the district where specific regulatory traffic speed limits apply, in order to make signs in these areas easily readable to passing motorists, and therefore minimise their potential adverse effects on traffic safety. 26 - 39