Chapter 26 - General Rules The following additional information: a) Details of the notice in the Gazette and the Order in Council which empowers the applicant as a requiring authority including any specified terms and conditions; b) Outline drawings of the works to be constructed showing the height, shape and bulk of the work, its location on the site, the likely finished contours of the site, vehicular access and circulation, and landscaping provisions; c) A statement as to how the work impacts on any relevant provisions of the Plan; d) In the case of designations for state highways, arterial or principal roads, a Noise Management Plan should be provided detailing measures to be taken to avoid and/or mitigate unreasonable levels of traffic noise. Transit New Zealand’s Guidelines for the Management of Road Traffic Noise should be used as the basis of assessing noise effects and determining avoidance and/ or mitigation measures; e) The proposed sequence and timing of implementation of the work or project. If any of the work is not to be commenced within a five year period, that particular part of the work and its timing, and the reasons why the requirement needs to be included now, shall be specified; and f) Proposals for the use and maintenance of those parts of the land which will not be developed for five or more years. Conditions After considering a requirement for a designation, the Council may recommend to the requiring authority such conditions as the Council considers appropriate to the work. Work to be undertaken on designated land Prior to commencing any work for which a requiring authority has financial responsibility, the information detailed in section 176A(3) of the Act shall be provided to the Council, except that this shall not apply where any of the circumstances set out in section 176A(2) of the Act are satisfied. After considering the outline plan the Council may request the requiring authority to make changes before construction is commenced. The procedures set out in section 176A of the Act shall apply to any such request. Activities not in accordance with designation Under section 176 of the Act, written consent to use designated land for other than the designated purpose is required from the designating authority, prior to the commencement of any activity. Schedule of designations Appendix F identifies the activities deemed to be permitted for each area of land designated. The designations are also shown in Volume Three - Maps. In addition all roads within the district are designated as ‘roads’. 26 - 45