20 January 2011 Chapter 33 - Port Zone d) Whether the disturbance has any significant adverse effect on ecological values and tangata whenua values. Depositing Substances in the Coastal Marine Area Any activity involving deposition of any material in the coastal marine area is a Discretionary Activity. Assessment Criteria a) Whether the deposition is necessary; b) Whether the final appearance will harmonise with the character of the surrounding landscape; c) Whether the deposition has made allowance for the effects of sea level rise, waves and currents and earthquakes; and d) Whether the deposition has any significant adverse effect on ecological values and tangata whenua values. Occupation of the Coastal Marine Area Any activity involving occupation of the coastal marine area is a Discretionary Activity. Assessment Criteria a) Whether the occupation is necessary; b) Whether the final appearance will harmonise with the character of the surrounding landscape; c) Whether the occupation has made allowance for the effects of sea level rise, waves and currents and earthquakes; and d) Whether the occupation has any significant adverse effect on ecological values and tangata whenua values. Discharges to the Coastal Marine Area Any discharge of treated human sewage to the coastal marine area, is a Discretionary Activity. Any discharge to the coastal marine area in respect of which the applicant may desire to rely on section 107(2)(a) is also a Discretionary Activity. Any discharge to the coastal marine area other than Rules or not provided for elsewhere in the Plan is a Discretionary Activity. Assessment Criteria a) The effect of the discharge having regard to the effect of currents, tides, waves, and winds on horizontal transport and vertical mixing of the contaminant; b) The effect of the discharge having regard to: - Temperature; - BOD; 5 - Suspended solids; 33 - 25